PG 13
Who REALLY died that day? How deep does the cover-up go – and why?Unmask the real architects of J6 and take a deeper dive into extended, never-before-seen footage that challenges everything you’ve been told.Don’t just question the narrative—EXPOSE it. Watch The War on Truth, the 4-part mini-series everyone will be talking about.
The War On Truth Mini Series P1
Uncovering the lies and cover up of J6. Meet the people who’s lives have been destroyed for telling the truth.
Kyle Seraphin, Steve Friend,
Scott McKay, Keith Rose,
Ivan Raiklin, Sarah Mcabee
General Michael Flynn,
Easton Cantrell, Jeremy Brown,
Darrell Kennemer
The War On Truth Mini Series P2
The setup – How J6 was run like a military operation to entrap unsuspecting trump supporters.
Nicole Reffitt, Tarik “TK” Johnson,
Troy Nehls, Steve Baker,
Dr. Darren Beattie, Bobby Powell, Geri Perna
The War On Truth Mini Series P3
The big diversion – What J6 was actually created for and who was behind it
Keith Rose, General Michael Flynn, Carolyn Stewart, Steve Friend, Jeff Clark, Scott Bennett, Kyle Seraphin, Annette and Chris Kuehne, Pete Santilli, Trenis Evans III, JD Rivera,
Pastor Rob McCoy